
她的道歉链接 http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2a25w1/for_nidaleviemmas_letter_of_apology

Dear Nidalevi: First please let me introduce myself, I’m Emma, the producer of this video: [http://star.tga.plu.cn/101804/v/47520.] I’m terribly sorry about using the image from your video into mine, and now I’m fully aware of that how bad influence my behavior has given to you. Please allow me to present my apologies, I am really sorry. I’m now a third-year college student, and I love League of Legends as much as you do. I learnd a little bit video production before, so I always use my spare time to make some videos about League of Legends. When I was making this one, I thought your video was really amazing, so that I putted the image into my own video very ignorantly. During that period of time, I thoughtless forgot that you might be really annoyed about it. I know it’s really hard for me to get an excuse from you, but please, please trust my passion to the game and video production, it’s nothing else but only my interest. I’m now studying in Chengdu, I’ve never been thinking of making money from video making. I’m satisfied with the situation now, that many of the viewers will watch my videos. As I mentioned, your videos are really great, I really want to communicate more with you and learn more things from you. After all these things happened, I was feeling a kind of helpless towards those comments. I’ve never been putted so much pressure, it made me very sad. I’m terribly ashamed of my mistakes, and will never do such things again. Finally, I want to present my apologies again, and hope to have your forgiveness. yours sincerely, Emma

我是艾玛,这部视频的作者 [http://star.tga.plu.cn/101804/v/47520]
首先先诚挚的和您说一声对不起,《番外篇*英雄联盟由来+瓦洛兰简史》这部视频未经征得您的同意使用了您的视频画面,给您造成了非常不好的影响,在这里想向您真诚的道个歉。 我是一名大三的学生,跟您一样热爱英雄联盟这款游戏,我平常会自学一些视频制作,所以希望利用平时课余时间做一些自己喜欢的关于英雄联盟的视频。我在做这期视频的时候觉得你的视频里面的内容非常精彩,于是就很无知的放到了我的视频里面。我真的没有想到过这个举动会使你生气。我知道现在我说什么都可能不会得到你的原谅,但请你相信我真的是热爱这款游戏以及视频制作这个专业,没有其他的想法。我目前还在成都上大学,我也没有想过要通过做视频赚钱,能有那么多的人看我已经很满足了。你做的视频真的非常的棒,我也很想多多和你交流,提高自己的水平。 事情发生后,面对大家的关注与议论,我真的有一些手足无措。从来没有感受到过那么多的压力,这事让我心里非常的难过,我为我自己的错误感到惭愧。以后也不敢再乱用其他作者的视频作为素材了。 以上是我真心的抱歉,只希望获得您的原谅. 艾玛

个人认为, 首先她的道歉只承认用了视频里的image图片加到她自己的视频里, 而且不知道她为什么用own这个词, 这视频所属权还是艾玛的? 粉丝们是对我声音和美貌的支持, 不是区区几张图片?
其次, 整篇道歉主要意思是, 她还是个大三学生, 还小不懂事, 很傻很天真, 没想到拿几张图片就会这么生气.
还有她说没理由这些视频赚钱, 我想问作为一个tga正式员工的视频作者, 难道是义务劳动的?
最后就是作为一篇正式的道歉贴, 发到国外, 但是整个文章语法错误连篇, 作为一个中国大学生难道没点高中英语基础的语法知识, 起码应该认真校验下吧. I’m satisfied with the situation now, that many… that是不能引导非限定性定语从句的. 其它的我不一一列举了.看来艾玛除了把盗版传扬出去外, 还向外国人展现了天朝部分年轻人的英语水平.
希望艾玛可以真的认真反省自己, 真正热爱视频的是那些原创视频作者, 不要为了出tga的视频为了完成任务就盗版别人的视频, 还说”自己一个人做视频很辛苦”.  表达自己很傻很天真也不是真诚悔改, 承认自己错误应有的态度.
Hey Emma,

What I can understand is your love towards the game, and wanting to bring content to the chinese audience. Some of the comments on your video might’ve been too harsh. But that still doesn’t make it right to use someone elses video, had you asked me permission before doing so I would’ve probably been fine with it, if you gave me atleast some credit.


大概意思是 我能明白你对这个游戏的喜爱以及给天朝人民带来一些东西.但直接盗用别人视频是不对的, 如果提前告诉我一声询问我是否同意, 也许我会答应并乐意与你分享.

[–]Nidalevi 59 分/分 12 小时 ago
Hey Emma,
What I can understand is your love towards the game, and wanting to bring content to the chinese audience. Some of the comments on your video might’ve been too harsh. But that still doesn’t make it right to use someone elses video, had you asked me permission before doing so I would’ve probably been fine with it, if you gave me atleast some credit.

[–]Nidalevi 2 分/分 4 小时 ago*
She has private messaged me today and I’ve accepted her apology, not because I feel sorry for her, I honestly don’t wish this much hate onto anyone though, neither did I expect this to blow up like this, alot of the comments she got were far too harsh. even though what she did wasn’t right, I can understand her wanting to share content with an audience.
She says she hasn’t slept last night and feels awful, and has pretty much been ”begging” me for my forgiveness, I could tell from her words that she’s meaning it and I’ll have to believe her on her word, just imagine standing in her shoes.
She says she will make an apology video tomorrow, to her followers and towards me, that’s more then acceptable.
Aslong as she doesn’t make the same mistake twice.

外国原视频作者回帖表示谅解, 但仅是因为不希望一个女孩被喷的太惨. 他说艾玛表示会再发表道歉视频, 希望她这次的视频不会再犯同样的错误.